Globus - Take me away
Everything passing us by and even time wondering whether it should stop.
Oh, lovely autumn, how am I supposed to cope with you leaving when you do?
I miss you, for I haven't seen you in such a long while, and I love you dearly, because you are the one that has been there, even if you couldn't bear the love I showed you. You never ran away.
You never will.
But I shall do it.
So go. Go on.
It's time for us to fall apart as friends and to find each other some other time, again, as we already did.
Please, do what you already do: do not look back.
I need you to leave and never come back, as I will come where you are.
And we shall be in the same stupid city, in the same stupid college, but just some people that know each other.
Some mere humans that once have been friends.
Thank you!
Ah, Fruits Basket. Poza aceea mi-a adus amintiri placute. Imi pare rau ca randurile care o insotesc sunt atat de triste, dar am sa repet ce ti-am spus si altadata: ai o stea acolo sus pe care poate nu o vezi, dar intr-o zi te va binecuvanta cu o ploaie de stralucire. You'll see ;) .
Nu sunt atat de triste gandurile, nezumi, avand in vedere ca pe mine ma ajuta sa trec peste o etapa a vietii mele si sa merg mai departe.
Defapt, m-am uitat la Fruits Basket fiindca ati spus voi ca e frumos si sincer l-am adorat. :D
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