I found myself laying there as if my mystery was suddenly solved and as soon as I would have been noticed, everything could be just fine. But who would notice me? I already know that the world doesn't revolve around me as it doesn't revolve around anyone I know. But mine does, their does. It's an odd intersection we like at life. How every single one of our lives gets to be an intersection of many circles around people, around our friends. Because, although we say we do not care about some people, by knowing them, at some point, we revolve around them, we intersect our own circle with theirs. Even when we hate..
However, there are several circles bigger than any others, such as politicians' circles or well-known scientists' circles. So, maybe the world revolves around them? Or do we revolve around the world, since it has a round, circle kind of shape? It might be, but is it?
1 comment:
Daca ar fi sa intersectam cercurile fiecarui om de pe glob in mod sigur am obtine multimea vida (ca tot am avut ieri examen la mate). Asa ca tot ce conteaza e ca intre cercul tau si al celor care iti sunt dragi sa gasesti macar un punct comun ;) .
Btw, adorabil pisu *I'm in love* .
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