One day

They said she shouldn't be happy when they saw her sparkling eyes and so they dragged her back to whatever was before. Before what? No one ever knows, but there's always a "before" and never an "after"..

Clasicul e destin. Ineditul e noroc. Împreună sunt viaţă.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Self-portraiture +

Some self- portraits I somehow like.
I love photography. I do not love me, entirely. But I kind of love these photos :D .

Two of my friends. "Always"


Georgiana91 said...

imi plac multi pozele ...sunt super realizate:*>:d<:x
succes in continuare si la mai multe:P

Soricica said...

Multumesc mult, scumpa! >:D< Sa fie..

toff said...

mi-am gasit si eu timp sa las commenturi.. :d
stare de spirit aparte în poze.

Soricica said...

Multzam fain !
Eh, da, stiu cum e cu comentariile. De multe ori citesc si nu mai zic nimic. :D