One day

They said she shouldn't be happy when they saw her sparkling eyes and so they dragged her back to whatever was before. Before what? No one ever knows, but there's always a "before" and never an "after"..

Clasicul e destin. Ineditul e noroc. Împreună sunt viaţă.

Friday, June 25, 2010

First steps

A little kitten I found a few days ago on my front porch, actually on the bench I have there, with it's mother. It seemed to be only a few days old and it is such a cutie, I can't believe I can't keep it. But unfortunately I can't so I can only hope I find such a cutie again when I go to college. :D
Click on the first or second photo to redirect you to my DA page. (Deviant Art)

Şi curcubeul promis. Fără vreo editare..