One day

They said she shouldn't be happy when they saw her sparkling eyes and so they dragged her back to whatever was before. Before what? No one ever knows, but there's always a "before" and never an "after"..

Clasicul e destin. Ineditul e noroc. Împreună sunt viaţă.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

From time to time

From time to time I see your eyes and I'm left undecided: I either want to die to have that one last view forever, or to hold on to this memory, because I know you will leave. For now I keep it safe, but come around one more time so I can see your eyes and start flipping coins once again.


`76ers said... trezit cu un premiu in inbox.
il ofer (se pare ca e transmisibil) pentru ca mai trec cand si cand pe la tine.
detalii de aici:

Soricica said...

Multumesc mult! Il voi vizita! ^.^
Si tie o primavara cat mai frumoasa!